
Tell us about your experience of school Accessibility Plans

How effective are they?

Under the Equality Act 2010, all education and training institutions must produce Accessibility Plans to focus on an accessible curriculum and ensuring physical access to the learning environment.

ALLFIE has received funding from the Disability Research on Independent Living and Learning (DRILL) grants programme to lead a project on the effectiveness of schools’ Accessibility Plans. In October and November 2018, we will hold focus groups in the North, South, East and West of England for groups of Disabled young people and children, parents of Disabled learners, and educators and professionals. The project looks at any gaps emerging between what the system sets out in law, and what respondents report is happening in practice. Better understanding of this area should:

  • help Disabled learners and their families challenge inadequate Accessibility Plans,
  • inform policy and debate on this subject nationally,
  • help ALLFIE in pressing for change, and
  • may assist education providers producing the plans as well as local authorities guiding Disabled learners.

If you are interested in getting involved in the focus groups, please email the Project Researcher, Armineh Soorenian.

logos for the DRILL project and National Lottery community Fund


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