
Missing Voices: Stop Ignoring the Voices of Disabled Black People and People of Colour

ALLFIE’s Disabled Black Lives Matter pressure group presents ‘Missing Voices’, a powerful 3-part series to mark Black History Month 2020.

Disabled Black Lives Matter logo

Black History Month 2020

Missing Voices: Stop Ignoring Disabled Black People and People of Colour.

ALLFIE’s Disabled Black Lives Matter group are using Black History Month as a platform to amplify the experiences of Disabled Black people and People of Colour.

The following contributions look at education, disability, ‘race’ and issues of intersectionality.

These articles are a reminder of the missing voices, insights into multiple discriminations, the deep-rooted cross-sector structural barriers, and a recognition of individuals with multiple intersecting social identities.

“We must address intersectional inequality, injustice and discrimination. We want to make sure that when we are discussing inclusion, diversity and equality that this recognises intersectional experiences.” (Disabled Black Lives Matter pressure group)

ALLFIE’s campaign: News and information

Disabled Black Lives Matter

Inclusion Matters to ALLFIE: Disabled Black Lives Matter


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